Hospitality Security, By Darrell Clifton, CPP
Published by CRC Press ISBN 978-1-4398-7436-3, $79.95 Hardcover and $29.36 Digital
OK, I fully admit I have met Darrell and I met him at the 2012 Mensa Annual Gathering in Reno where he was giving several very unique presentations on Resort Security. He had the over achievers just riveted and I might say, me too. I may have also made some comment about gee have you written a book – and we can see the answer to my flippant comment – he has.
When we think of Hospitality Security – we tend to think of two extremes, or at least I do. The horrible events at the Raj in India and death and destruction we all hope could be preventable. The other was last year when hotel security in Dayton Ohio broke up my nickel dime quarter poker tournament because the two brothers, Franciscan as I can remember, were too loud with their jokes – or we were to loud laughing with them – I forget which.
And that is the point, a Hospitality Security professional (HS) is a bit like being a flight attendant for a major airline – nice, pleasant, helpful, deals with your annoyances and than when everything goes to pot – saves your life! HS is there to anticipate the risks – and they are to insure the guest has a pleasant and unperturbed stay. This takes a great deal of planning and coordination. Making sure known thieves and conmen / conwoman are not visiting and preying upon guests, making sure that guests who’s defenses are down (they are on vacation, or non-existent or they have had that 4th Martini) are safe. Also what about fire, and planning for fire, or lost and found, or – you see the point. Their job is to anticipate the future, plan for and manage it as it happens – with no warnings.
There is also a significant internal role that HS plays. There is more internal theft and mischief than there is external. HS, like the rest of us may plan to look at outside threats but spends a good deal of their time looking inward.
The HS security team must manage all of the inputs in the property or venue, such as reservations, food, water, power, money, sanitation, press, VIP guests, and the rest of us etc… and anticipate how they will interact at the property or venue. Once they are there they must also make sure that what goes on at the property or venue – meets expectations – so the reputation of the property / venue remain intact.
This book is worth every dime spent on it – as all of the precepts are very transferable to many other industries. Again very well structured, very well complied and well written.
Darrell Clifton’s book, Hospitality Security is a tour de force and is a landmark book in the Hospitality Industry and will remain as such for many, many years to come.